Friday, May 29, 2009

In Another Life

The day warm and fair. The atmosphere downtown Manteo was cheerful and light. My husband and I sat at dinner waiting for the phone call. When it came that Josiah had arrived, all 9 1/2+ pounds of him we were elated. Minutes later the world came tumbling down around us as we got the call "Mommy, something is very wrong!" came the frightened, panicked voice of my daughter Gwenn. It was one of those dream like times that seems so surreal now. How could this have only been two years ago on the first of June?? I remember every detail as if it were some dreadful movie I had once seen but not my own grandmother experience.It was only later that Gwenn and Nick learned and shared with us that the name Josiah means "God heals". Now at two years old the only evidence of the night mare is the scar, the battle scar that runs down his chest. He is strong, rough and fearless. His mother just says "He's a mess!" (a term of endearment in the south)I think now of the past two years and it does not seem that life could change more for a family than has changed for Gwenn and Nick. Josiah's surgery,Nico finally coming home from Haiti and then the road to and the actual event of moving to Haiti. So I will miss Josiah's birthday. But I will think of him often. The infamous day of his birth haunting my memories and the grateful heart for Josiah-God heals.


  1. I cannot imagine what any of you were going through at that time. He has become such a strong (or, from reading Gwenn's blog, headstrong?) child.

  2. Great Slide show! This is the first grandchild birhday that I will miss! Thanks for putting it together! Bev
