Saturday, January 16, 2010

Haiti and Mr. Rogers

I flipped from CNN this morning who was reporting the same tragic stories over and over about life and death in PortAuPrince, Haiti. I wanted more information. Just not that information. Today my grandchildren are being evacuated. As I went through the channels I paused. Mr. Roger's Neighborhood was on. I long for the quiet and comfort of his land of make believe. His soothing voices that tells us that it ok to cry and every one is special. Thanks Fred for a little bit of quiet.


  1. I have been wondering what was happening with your family. Is your daughter and son in law coming too? I have been praying and will continue to do so.
    I understand that longing in your heart for quiet and comfort - someday my friend, someday...

  2. thank you robin :) gwenn and nick are staying. lots of work to do. you can follow their journey at
