After work today I picked up my three (almost 4) year old grandaughter Abbie. She has been sick so she was coming to stay with me while Gretchen went to churh and the other kids went to visit a friend. We talked about her earache and doctor appointment and then she told me "Katie let me sit in her old desk. She made it a special seat because I am sick. And Micah let me sit next to him because I am sick." I replied "I glad you guys are nice to each other." Abbie continued "Sometimes my brother and sister are mean to me." I said "Sometimes you are not nice to them too." "Yeah" she says, "Sometimes I cause strife."
I had her repeat herself because I wasn't sure that I heard her right. I did. She did use the word strife. She did use it correctly. Pretty cool kid.
We've been trying to purposefully use scripture in our of the ones that I use OFTEN (like 12 times a day) is "Are you purposing in your heart to promote peace or to cause strife?"