Wednesday, November 19, 2008

And so it advent conspiracy

I have blogged for a long time on myspace. But this is different. I want to start something here. I'm not quite sure where to begin so I will just begin...
I have chosen my title because at the heart of this blog is my love for my grandchildren. And for all grandchildren.
When my daughter Gwenn sent me a video clip about The Advent Conspiracy something inside of me began to melt. I have long been a lover of Christmas and have raised a family full of rich and beautiful traditions. But still as Christmas would approach each year it was as if the wonder I knew as a child was fading. The excitement of the surprises and the hidden treasures, the chill in the air suggesting it just might, could possibly, "O God please let it snow for Christmas!" was slowly being replaced with the adult obligations of parties and cleaning and cooking and all the extra work at the Post Office. The schedules that demanded we participate or it just wouldn't be Christmas. Overspending, overeating, over stressing and forgetting...forgetting the simple things and the priceless things. Forgetting that our children are not blessed by the newest, the biggest, the brightest or anything that comes from a TV ad promising to make all their dreams come true. Those things will be gone tomorrow..and not remembered in a month. The children will be blessed with the time we invest to let them be kids. So what I'm saying is I'm getting off!
I am back! The world can not, will not , rob me of my joy! I have a mission and this blog is where I am choosing to begin.
I am working on a "Pay it Forward" kind of plan. As this plan develops I will share more. I am so excited and hope to use this blog as a venue for people to post how God is using this plan..
For now, because I love Christmas I post a question to you. What is your favorite Christmas memory from your childhood? What is a loved family tradition?
Oh and one more thing.. I hate spelling and back off it's my blog!

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