Keep You Safe - JJ Heller
Quiet your heart
It's just a dream
Go back to sleep
I'll be right here
I'll stay awake
As long as you need me
To slay all the dragons
And keep out the monsters
I'm watching over you
My love is a light
Driving away all of your fear
So don't be afraid
Remember I made a promise to keep you safe
You'll have your own battles to fight
When you are older
You'll find yourself frozen inside
But always remember...
If you feel alone facing the giants
And you don't know what to do...
My love is a light
Driving away all of your fear
So don't be afraid
Remember I made a promise to keep you...
My love is a light
Driving away all of your fear
So don't be afraid
Remember I made a promise to keep you safe
I have mentioned in the past that I really love the songs of JJ Heller. Except this one. It has a beautiful calming melody and I want to love it.I want it to be real. But I have seen too much in the last few years... I know that parents can't keep their children safe. In our culture, the American culture where life revolves around our children we perhaps can take measures to keep our children safer. We can even say with some confidence that "I will be here to protect you."
But tonight in the tents of 1.3 millions people there are mothers and fathers how can't say that. They love their children like we love ours. They desire long and full lives for their children just like we do. But their words of "Don't be afraid." are coming from fearful lips. They can't promise to keep their children safe nor can they slay the giants of poverty, disease, earthquakes and hurricanes.
The last time I came home from Haiti I did not come home and look at all my things and think "I am so blessed." No I thought "I have sinned."I waste my resources on 'things' when I could be freeing a parent to care for his child but investing in his life.
So tonight I sit here in my dry big house on a rainy night thinking about the thousands who have tents and tarps for homes and not way to assure their children that they will be kept safe from the storm..I'm not writing this to you. I am writing this to me..Jesus help me to love your children.
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