Tuesday, August 3, 2010

Loosing it in the lettuce isle

I admit that I am a little unbalanced. A little OCD when it comes to Haiti. I like to call it passionate but really...well I'm a bit over the top. Why do I say this your might ask? Well tonight at Food Lion while walking down the produce isle I spotted it. A small cart at the end of the isle laden with fruit. No just any fruit but the fruits that are common to Haiti. I lovingly stroked the mango and with a tear in my eye I recalled Gwenn's boys gathering mangoes in their tree at the land whir Gwenn argued with this Haitin man about weather or not it was the right time for mangos.
Next, I noticed the plantains and thought about how good they tasted fried. There was coconuts and I closed my eyes and remembered Jean Louis at the top of the tree throwing Hugh coconuts to the ground.
The mangos that were free for taking on the land were close to $3.00/ea at Food Lion. I didn't buy any.If they had canaps well i would have skipped thinking about the price and they would have been in my cart (read mouth)
A few ilses later I had a conpulsion to buy Rama noodles. I havn't bought those in maybe 20 years.But we ate them in Haiti and I want to show the Manteo grandchilren how the Haiti grandchildren eat.
Over all, shopping was very emotional for me. I know..it's just not normal!

1 comment:

  1. I'm a missionary kids from Africa, and I get homesick every time I walk through the imported foods aisle in the grocery store. So I think I can relate! I am loving reading your blog--your sincerity and your beautiful way with words are a great encouragement. If you ever want to stop by and check out my MK musings, the URL is http://youknowyoureanmkwhen.blogspot.com/ Thank you again so much for expressing yourself! I'll be coming back :)
