Wednesday, May 2, 2012


Recently I have not had too many things coming up that I felt a 'need' to blog. Once in a while something will simmer just below the surface but not quite come to the surface. Not so today. In fact there are three blogs wanting to be birthed tonight and I am not sure yet wish direction to go. But there is one common thread. Each blog was conceived in prayer. A story that I came across yesterday that I wrote twenty eight years ago...a prayer I had for Gwenn and Nick... and a prayer journal entry that I happened upon..I will choose the last to be the first.
This blog "A Grandmother's Heartbeat" began as a way for me to share about my family and more correctly my grandchildren. So that is what I will share tonight. A pray for my grandchildren. What follows is part of a journal entry:

I pray that they will all come to know you at an early age. I pray that they will have the heart and mind of Christ. keep them from temptation and the evil desires of this world. Create in them a place that will only be satisfied with you. Make them a witness to their generation. (the following is what brought me to this blog)
For Katie- a sharp mind and a sweet spirit
For Nia- the ability to reach far to touch the lives of wounded children
Micah- for grace and laughter
Abbie- the gift of friendship
Josiah- great strength and patience
Nico- peace and assurance of your love
Evie- a merry heart and a kind spirit.

Mostly Lord give each the gift of salvation. I ask that you would be raising up Godly spouses for each of these dear children. my babies. my heartbeat.

I love that I recorded this pray. And here is why- it took me a little while to realize that I prayed this prayer BEFORE Josiah and Evie were even born! We had not met Nico yet as he was still in Haiti waiting to come home to Gwenn and Nick.It was written on May 5th, 2007. Five years ago this week.
Katie was 5 years old, Nia and Micah were 3, Abbie was 2. I had some idea maybe about the older ones..but some of these things must have been straight from the heart of God.
Katie is a very smart girl but the thing that impresses everyone is that she has a very sweet spirit..
Nia - When this was written it was not even a plan that her family would move to Haiti. When they did and when children started to enter their home Nia was the one to warmly welcome them and love them and comfort them. She has the gift of empathy that 'touches the lives of wounded children'.
Micah: I don't have a specific answer for this prayer except that maybe he needs a lot of grace and good humor to live with 3 sisters!
Abbie: only a baby when this was prayed but Abbie has become the outgoing and friendly child that makes friends easily and loves them dearly.
Josiah..born  needing open heart surgery he was born strong allowing him to overcome and heal. And patience..well that was for all of us dealing with that little rascal!
Nico..Nico is always talking about the love of Jesus. He is a Jesus lover BIG TIME..before I ever met him God knew that his little heart would be tender to the things of God.
And Evie..remember she was not yet born : A Merry heart..for sure..a kind spirit like her mom.
For those of you who know my grandchildren I know you can testify to these truths.

God answers our prayers when we are lining up our will with His. If I had prayed "Lord make them the best "whatever" I don't think that He would have answered that prayer. Being a dancer or musician or football player while not bad things in themselves  are not  important to God. He is more concerned with the condition of our heart. He desires to give us gifts and fruits not talents and things. Hard work can get us talent and things. Work can never get us Love, Joy, Peace , Patience, Goodness, Kindness, Gentleness, Faithfulness or Self Control. Have you ever tried to love some one that you can't stand? Have you tried to make yourself joyful when you are in the pit of despair? Have you tried to have peace when your world is falling apart?/ You may grasp fleeting moments but you cannot attain any of these attitudes on your own.
Lest I go off in 100 different directions (note title of blog "I have some much to say".) Let me get back to my point. First - We need to remember how important it is to pray. Then we need to from time to time go back. Remember what you asked God for and then thank Him for answering you.
I don't know why after all these years I am still so amazed when I see what God does. Amazed and delighted. Pray for your baby before he is born. Before he is conceived. Pray for your husband before you meet him. Pray that he is growing in faith and patience and wisdom and integrity. Pray gifts and fruits into the lives of your children and grandchildren and into your own life. God wants to answer these prayers. He loves to delight you. He is waiting for you to ask. And then thank Him.

I thank You now Lord for the qualities that you have sown into the lives of the children and I pray for all the other grandchildren that came into my life since I wrote that prayer journal. Thank you that you have carved their name on the palm of your hand.

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